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The merchant navy, also known as the merchant marine, is a fleet of ships that transport goods, cargo, and passengers across the globe. It plays a vital role in international trade, facilitating the exchange of goods between countries. The merchant navy is different from the naval forces, which are responsible for national defence.

Shipping has been the cornerstone of transportation from the very beginning of civilisation. Over 90% of world trade is carried by the international shipping industry. Shipping is the safest and most environmentally benign form of commercial transport. Without shipping, the import and export of goods on a scale necessary for the modern world would not be possible. There are around 50,000 merchant ships trading internationally , transporting every kind of cargo. The world’s fleet is registered in over 150 nations, and manned by over a million seafarers of virtually every nationality. This makes shipping a truly globalised industry.


The merchant navy operates various types of ships, each designed for specific purposes:

1 Container Ships:

Designed to-carry containerised cargo, these ships play a crucial role in global trade.

2 Tankers:

Specialised ships that transport oil, petroleum products, and other liquids. Tankers consists of oil tanker , LPG , LNG etc.

3 Bulk Carriers

Ships that carry bulk cargo, such as grains, coal, and minerals

4 General Cargo Ships

Multipurpose ships that carry a variety of cargo, including containers, vehicles, and project cargo. Somewhere similar to a Bulk Carrier .

5 Passenger Ships

Cruise ships, ferries, and other vessels that transport people. It has not much to do with the MERCHANT NAVY but it is an extreme important type of vessel

6. Reefer Ships

Ships equipped with refrigeration systems to transport perishable cargo, such as fruits and vegetables

7 Ro-Ro Ships

Roll-on/roll-off ships that carry wheeled cargo, such as cars, trucks, and trailers.

Cattle Carriers

Cattle carriers, also known as livestock carriers, are specialised ships designed to transport live animals, such as cattle, sheep, and goats, over long distances. These vessels play a crucial role in the global livestock trade, enabling the transportation of animals from one region to another.


Shipboard organisational structure can be broadly divided into three departments with the Master being the Overall Incharge.

These departments are

  • Deck Department
  • Engine Department
  • Saloon Department


The Deck Department covers works and equipment related to Navigation and Ship handling; cargo Loading, Discharging, Storage and care Maintenance of Main Deck and Superstructure; Looking after security aspect of shipping and liaising with shore personnel While in port. The Deck Department consists of the Chief Officer, Second Officer, Third Officer, Cadet and deck crew consisting of Bosun, ABs and Seamen.

2) Engine Department

The Engineering Department covers most aspects of the ship’s maintenance and working, including the main and auxiliary engines the generators, boilers, plumbing and sanitation, electrical systems, water sanitation systems, air conditioning, heating, ventilation and refrigeration. The Engine Department consists of the Chief Engineer, Second Engineer, Third Engineer, Electro Technical Officer and Engine Crew.

3) Saloon Department

On Merchant ships, the Saloon Department is very small consisting of one cook and one steward only. However, their number will be more on a passenger ship or other specialised ships. The Saloon Department looks after the food, cooking, general housekeeping in accommodation and provision related requirements onboard a ship. Graphic representation of the hierarchical structure onboard ship is given in Figure Below.

Ranks & Salaries

The merchant navy offers a lucrative career with opportunities to travel and earn a good salary. Salaries in the merchant navy vary based on rank, experience, and type of ship.

Factors Affecting Merchant

  • Experience: Salary increases with experience at sea.
  • Rank: Higher ranks command higher salaries.
  • Type of Ship: Salaries vary depending on the type of ship, such as dry cargo, tanker, or passenger ship. Salaries are generally higher on tankers and gas carriers as compared to bulk cargoes and containers.

Merchant Navy Salary Range:

Note: Salaries may vary depending on the shipping company, type of ship, and individual experience.

1. Deck Department:

1. Deck CadetEntry-level rank, responsible for learning and assisting with deck operations.   • Salary: ₹30,000 – ₹70,000 per month (USD 400 – 900)
2. Third OfficerJunior officer rank, responsible for safety , life saving and fire fighting appliances navigation, cargo handling, and safety.   Salary: ₹2,00,000 – ₹2,80,000 per month (USD 2,667 – 4,000)
3. Second OfficerSenior officer rank, responsible for passage planning and chart work.   •Salary: ₹2,15,000-₹3,50,000per month (USD 2,867 – 4,667)
4. Chief OfficerSenior officer rank, responsible for cargo operations, deck maintenance, and safety.   ・Salary: ₹5,40,000-₹7,10,000 per month (USD 7,200 – 9467)  
5. Captain (Master)Highest rank, responsible for overall command of the ship.   • Salary: ₹6,60,000 – ₹12,00,000 per month (USD 8,800 – 16,000)

2. Engine Department:

1.Engine CadetEntry-level rank, responsible for learning and assisting with engine operations.    Salary: ₹30,000 – ₹70,000 per month (USD 400 – 933)
2. Fourth EngineerJunior engineer-rank, responsible for engine maintenance and operation.   Salary: ₹2,30,000-₹3,00,000 per month (USD 2,667 – 4,000)
3. Third EngineerEngineer Rank responsible to act as Senior Watch keepingOfficer or Duty Engineer as per schedule, as well as being involved in regular Engine Room maintenance.   Salary ₹3,30,000-₹4,16,000 per month (USD 4,400 – 5,547)
4. Second EngineerSenior engineer rank, responsible for the execution of the planned maintenance, supervision of repairs and advising Chief Engineer on ordering of spares and consumables.   Salary: ₹5,40,000-₹7,10,000 per month (USD 7,200 – 9,467)  
5. Chief EngineerHighest engineer rank, responsible for overall engine operations and maintenance.   • Salary: ₹6,00,000 – ₹12,00,000 per month (USD 8,800 – 16,000)  

3) GP Rating:

The GP Rating (General Purpose

Rating) is an entry-level position and is basically the crew in the merchant navy that plays a crucial role in the smooth operation of a ship. GP Ratings are responsible for performing various tasks on board, including deck and engine maintenance, cargo handling, and assisting officers with navigation and communication. This role is an excellent starting point for those looking to begin a career in the merchant navy, as it provides hands-on experience and exposure to various aspects of ship operations.

With a salary range of ₹60,000 to ₹1,60,000 per month, GP Ratings are well-compensated for their hard work and dedication. They are further divided into:

1. Ordinary Seaman (OS)Entry- level rank, responsible for basic deck maintenance and tasks.   • Salary: ₹60,000 – ₹75,000 per month (USD 800 – 1,000)
2. Able-Bodied Seaman (AB)  Experienced seaman, responsible for deck maintenance, cargo handling, and general up keep at the ship .   • Salary: ₹1,00,000 – ₹1,24,000 per month (USD 1,333 – 1,653)
3. BosunSenior deck rating, responsible for supervising deck crew and the maintenance of  cargo .   • Salary: ₹1,00,000 – ₹1,60,000 per month (USD 1,333 – 2,133)
4. Deck FitterResponsible for maintaining and repairing deck equipment and machinery.   • Salary: ₹1,00,000 – ₹1,60,000 per month (USD 1,333 – 2,133)  
5. PumpmanResponsible for operating and maintaining pumps, valves, and other equipment.   ・Salary: ₹1,00,000-₹1,60,000 per month (USD 1,333 – 2,133)

Deck Ratings

  • Engine Ratings
1. StewardEntry-level rank, responsible for maintaining the cleanliness and organisation of the ship’s galley and accommodations.   • Salary: ₹60,000 – ₹80,000 per month (USD 800 – 1,067)
2. CHIEF COOKSenior saloon rating rank, responsible for preparing meals for the crew and maintaining the galley.   • Salary: ₹71,000 – ₹2,16,000 per month (USD 1,333 – 2,133)

Saloon Ratings Note: Salaries may vary depending on the shipping company, type of ship, and individual experience.

Read More Blog: How to join the Merchant Navy

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